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NGOs and Multilaterals

Below is a non-exhaustive list of a variety of national, international, and multilateral non-governmental and non-profit organizations who are raising funds to support refugees and conflict affected situations ("NGOs") which are actively fundraising for the Ukrainian crisis.  Additional information on how to support refugees in other conflict affected areas will be provided in the coming days and weeks - the refugee crisis is a global epidemic of historic proportions.  We rely on publicly available information to provide you with the most up to date organizations that require funding.  In future we hope to provide a donation function that allows you to decide how much you want to contribute and how those funds might be distibuted across multiple NGOs.  Tax receipts may be possible, enquire with us for more details.



Every year, the Canadian Red Cross is at the scene of disasters and emergencies both at home and around the world. As fighting in Ukraine continues, the Red Cross is providing lifesaving aid to those in need — both in the country and in neighboring areas. More than two million people have fled Ukraine to nearby countries and an estimated 18 million — a third of the country’s population — will need humanitarian assistance.  Under mortal danger to themselves, Red Cross teams are still working tirelessly to help people and communities impacted by conflict. Around the clock, teams are providing emergency aid amid fear and uncertainty.  In the coming weeks, Red Cross volunteers will increase their work reuniting separated families, providing food and other household items, and increasing awareness about areas contaminated by unexploded ordnance. The current needs are tremendous, critical among them include water delivery, support to health facilities and medical care for families wounded.

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The armed conflict in eastern Ukraine has generated significant humanitarian needs among displaced and conflict-affected communities. Despite several ceasefire agreements, the hostilities are ongoing and resulted in large-scale damage to housing and infrastructure. Many conflict-affected communities suffer from regular shelling and require urgent shelter assistance.  UNHCR shelter activities in Ukraine have provided a response to two main areas of need: on the one hand, it has tried to provide durable solutions for displaced people and returnees; on the other hand, it has addressed emergency needs for non-displaced families in areas near the line of contact, which has represented the core of the shelter response.

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With respect to medical supplies, Help Us Help’s priority is sourcing and distributing Individual First Aid Kits (IFAKs) to volunteer medics who are caring for victims of the war.  The IFAKs are a first priority for the medics in Ukraine, and are being provided to those located in high-risk areas.


With thousands of people fleeing Ukraine, several neighbouring countries have begun hosting refugees. GlobalMedic is working with local agencies in these neighbouring countries to support the distribution of food, hygiene items and more to people leaving Ukraine, and work to support and facilitate cross-border distributions into Ukraine. Other items including tents, costs, medical supplies etc. may also be provided as needed. 

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We support the basic needs of the most vulnerable families, proving food, shelter, coal, multi-purpose cash grants, clothing and medicine.  We provide children and their caregivers affected by the conflict with Community Centres and mobile outreach teams where they can receive psychosocial support. We run programmes to develop positive coping strategies, life-skills and resilience. We also conduct Mine Risk Education sessions in schools and nursery to raise awareness on the dangers of mines and explosive remnants of war.


The UCC-CUF Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal has so far contributed $1.62M CAD to provide food packages, medicine and shelter to the Ukrainian crisis. However, the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal estimates that $25 million CAD is needed.  The UCC-CUF works with local partners on the ground in Ukraine and surrounding countries including assistance with the logistics required to gather, coordinate and manage the delivery of dozens, if not hundreds, of pallets of donated medical supplies and aid to the affected population.  The UCC-CUF aims to be the local partner of choice focusing on healthcare, education and civil society.



HSI is providing necessary support, including emergency funds, to groups that are helping the Ukrainian people and the animals in their care who have been devastated by Russia’s military invasion. You can join us by rushing a gift to our emergency response for Ukraine and other rescue and relief efforts here.


MSF is dispatching teams to Poland, Moldova, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia to assess the needs of people crossing borders and respond to humanitarian needs. Teams are also present in Belarus and Russia ready to provide humanitarian assistance.

In Ukraine, MSF teams have distributed war-wounded kits in Mariupol. We have also provided a telemedicine training for trauma care for 30 surgeons from eastern Ukraine.

Our emergency teams have arrived at the Polish-Ukrainian border and are currently trying to get essential staff and supplies into Ukraine and set up emergency response activities across both sides of the border.

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For almost 90 years, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) has been responding to the world’s worst humanitarian crises. When a new crisis strikes, the IRC’s emergency team swiftly activates to determine the most effective way to reach people in need.  Our response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which has killed at least 400 civilians and displaced more than 2.5 million people so far, is no different. In Ukraine, we’re working with our partners to support evacuation efforts for women and children and provide emergency assistance to internally displaced people.  We’re also providing displaced families in Ukraine with groceries, blankets, warm clothes, and cook stoves.  In Poland we’re working through partners to provide refugees with psychosocial and legal support, cultural assistance and translation services.  We’re also providing essentials including medical equipment for health teams operating at border crossing points and refugee reception centers.


War in Ukraine poses immediate threat to children.  UNICEF is working to scale up life-saving support for children and their families.  UNICEF is supporting health, nutrition, HIV prevention, education, access to safe drinking water, sanitation and protection for children and families caught in the conflict.  We call on all sides of the conflict to recommit to the ceasefire signed in Minsk in August 2015, and to respect international humanitarian law, including allowing unrestricted humanitarian access.  UNICEF is actively working to address the tragic situation of separated, displaced, and unaccompanied children, impacted by the rapidly emerging refugee crisis.


more ways you can help:

Do you have suggestions for other fundraisers and/or non-profits contributing to the support and supplies for the Ukrainian humanitarian crisis?  Drop us a line at

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